The photo portraits of friends and family of the infamous club Erste Liga in Munich, 2004, are now shown at the exhibition NACHTS. Clubkultur at the Münchner Stadtmuseum
Roger Rekless / Neuperlach
Title and portrait editorial of David Mayonga aka Roger Rekless inviting to his neighbourhood Neuperlach in Munich, Bavaria for MUCBOOK Magazine #11
BR / Rooms
Photo documentation of selected rooms of the Bayerischer Rundfunk
Auf und davon.
Title and photo editorial “Auf und davon” for MUCBOOK Magazine #18
Essen ist fertig
Title and portrait editorial of international supermarkets in Munich, Bavaria for MUCBOOK Magazine #13
Benjamin Röder / Carpet
Photo documentation of Benjamin Röder’s colourful red carpet
Tretlager Jam 2017
Photo documentation of Tretlager Jam 2017
Club Cars
Photo documentation of personalised Club Cars at The Villages, Florida
Photo documentation of a sparring tournament at Boxwerk, Munich
Photo documentation of individual installations for beach vacation in Terracina, Italy, in cooperation with Benjamin Röder